anthropology journals câu
Anthropology, Forensic Archeology, and Genetics.Nhân loại học, Khảo cổ học pháp y, và di truyền học. Professor Zei, head of anthropolo...

academic journals
Main category: Springer Science+Business Media academic journalsThể loại chính: Springer Science+Business Media academic journals Spri...

mathematics journals
Editors of prominent mathematics journals are used to fielding grandiose claims from obscure authors, but this paper was different.Biên...

medical journals
Medical journals serve a number of functions.Các cuộc phỏng vấn y tế phục vụ một số chức năng. They even write about it in medical jou...

physics journals
“Since our work came out, claims of fractals in Pollock’s work have largely disappeared from peer-reviewed physics journals.Kể từ khi c...

scientific journals
Yang has published 16 articles in various scientific journals.Minh đã công bố 16 bài báo trên các tạp chí chuyên ngành. Science Around...

anthropology of religion
Anthropology of Religion (7.5 EC)Nhân chủng học về Tôn giáo (7.5 EC)

biological anthropology
This programme places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and understanding of both the broad field of Biological Anthropology and t...

criminal anthropology
"The Museum of Criminal Anthropology Cesare Lombroso"Đọc đánh giá về Museo di Antropologia Criminale Cesare Lombroso Museum of crimina...

cultural anthropology
Then the Master's programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology may be for you!Sau đó, chương trình Thạc sĩ Nhân học Văn hóa và Xã hội ...

medical anthropology
Graduate Student, Medical Anthropology and EpidemiologyNhân học Y tế và Dịch tễ học Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology Graduate Stud...

philosophical anthropology
"Philosophical Anthropology ."Philosophical anthropology (Nhân học triết học). "Philosophical Anthropology ."Philosophical anthropology...

social anthropology
Social anthropology of the Middle EastNhân chủng học Trung Đông Anthropology of the Middle East MRes in Social Anthropology with Pacif...

english-language journals
It boasts a 1140 m2, multimedia library, open 76 hours weekly, with 15,000 books and databases, 500 French and English-language journal...

open access journals
Decreased discoverability than compared to fully Open Access journals.Khả nâng phát hiện giảm khi so sánh với các tạp chí Truy cập Mở đ...

max planck institute for evolutionary anthropology
In July 2006, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and 454 Life Sciences announced that they would be sequencing the ...